You never know, stranger things have happened. A better bill and system would eventually result if the Democrat loses this Mass. race. Both parties are corrupt failures that are now generally doing more harm than good.
Pitch Fork January 15th, 2010 2:36 pm
Exactly. Even the title of this article denies reality: Massachusetts Vote Could Threaten Health Reform
How could a vote threaten what the Obama Party has already killed? There is no healthCARE (title couldn't decide to use insurance or care so they left it out all together) reform. No more than there is banking reform, but rather an institutionalization of bailouts. There has certainly been no reform of World War Permanent, as there has been no reform of spying, torture, elections, or of the Washington-K Street looting spree in even any minor detail. Nada reform to be seen anywhere.
I will pay the 2% tax, which won't amount to much based on income - since I make waaay less than $250K a year O'Promises, promises, and continue to live without health insurance. Thanks for the hope, change, I could believe in and so on and so forth.
charlesthegreen January 15th, 2010 3:03 pm
Don't Pay the Tax.
Don't buy the insurance, don't pay the penalty. Make them collect it.
Mass Resistance!
You point out another grim reality: the "Mandate" is really a surtax FOR BEING TOO POOR TO BUY MEDICAL INSURANCE, because the penalty is less than the cost of the insurance. Talk about a stab in the back!
It is the ultimate regressive tax, probably never before seen in the World outside of slavery and quasi slavery contexts.
The above discussion was in response to this article.
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