Obama is like him except that Obama is at least not volatile. As the author of this article states, Obama is showing incompetence in a rather dull, non-volatile way.
Although I am not an expert on personalities, I think that people like this, who appear to be competent but when all is said and done are not very competent, are all too common.
As for this article, it’s very thorough, very accurate, and very well written. Its very, very unfortunate that anyone would be motivated to write this article, but it is Mr. Obama's fault that someone was so motivated.
Samalabear January 23rd, 2010 3:12 pm
It is my impression, from reading other articles, that Obama's volatility comes out on members of his own party when they disagree with him, if the DeFazio incident is to be believed. He's subtle but vicious and snide. That came across in a couple of his town halls. I'm sure Obama would have no idea that us common, stupid, gullible people caught these "slips," but we did -- because there's a large measure of us that aren't that gullible and do look closely at something or someone who appears "to good to be true."
I have never found Obama warm, convincing or sincere. I remember during the campaign they had a lunch or dinner with Obama thing -- some contest. I remember thinking at that time thinking this is the last person I would want to have an extended conversation with. He leaves me cold.
The above was in response to this article.
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