The following was justified shout outs for this article.
One of the very best articles of the year, with humor and tragedy mixed in almost perfectly. This one should be placed on the old hard drive.
Perhaps no one can save the country now without certain creditors and aggrieved parties demanding repayments of various types. And we know for sure that no one who remains enslaved to either of the main parties can save it.
But that does not excuse Obama for being a virtual cypher, for being, in David Michael Green's words, the "milquestoastiest of presidents".
Oh well, at least Professor Green can not (yet) lose his job at Hofstra for speaking the truth.
Welcome to One and All
This is not my only Internet project by a long shot, and Internet producing is not my only activity by a long shot. Although Unity-Progress may very well be theoretically my most important project, resources are limited for it at this time. I have the resources to produce about 5,000 words a month for Unity-Progress. To put this in perspective, 5,000 words are about 250 tweets, 20 very short "blog entries", ten longer blog entires, five short articles, two long articles, or 1/20 of a longer book. I do guarantee these 5,000 words will be produced and that they will be as informative and perfectly accurate as possible.
Unfortunately though, there will be wide variability from month to month. It is possible that nothing at all will be posted in a month, but at the other extreme, there will be a month now and then where about 10,000 words are produced. Another thing leading to variability is that there is no production template as of yet, meaning that postings will vary radically from very, very short to quite long. At this time it appears this variability will continue indefinitely.
Aside from the postings, there are numerous very important features that go along with this project to be found on numerous pages. Look for links to them; see especially the links just under the banner and the ones in the right sidebar near the top.
Finally, please know that you absolutely have to bookmark this site if you ever ever want to come back because it is not easy to find this Site or any other Sites of its kind on Google Search. In fact, most of the characteristics of this Site are precisely the ones that get the short shrift by the Google Search Engine formulas.
Unfortunately though, there will be wide variability from month to month. It is possible that nothing at all will be posted in a month, but at the other extreme, there will be a month now and then where about 10,000 words are produced. Another thing leading to variability is that there is no production template as of yet, meaning that postings will vary radically from very, very short to quite long. At this time it appears this variability will continue indefinitely.
Aside from the postings, there are numerous very important features that go along with this project to be found on numerous pages. Look for links to them; see especially the links just under the banner and the ones in the right sidebar near the top.
Finally, please know that you absolutely have to bookmark this site if you ever ever want to come back because it is not easy to find this Site or any other Sites of its kind on Google Search. In fact, most of the characteristics of this Site are precisely the ones that get the short shrift by the Google Search Engine formulas.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What's More Reasonable to you? A new Stalin or a new Party: the New Democratic Party-US
There was someone, during the responses to this article, who implied it was futile to have a real non-right-wing party as a third party in the US, so I had to respond...
Oh great, now the US has to be one of a very small number of countries that have only two viable parties because there might be another Stalin waiting in the wings from Peoria or someplace. LOL.
New Democratic Party-US is a great way to try to save the US from extreme right wing and right wing politics:
--No one issue tag like the Greens have.
--No poisoned word: "Socialist" in the name.
--No wishy washy. I as the voter don't really know where you are coming from "Independent" in the name.
--Immediate credibility and some level of real assistance from existence and viability of the New Democratic Party-Canada, now in control of two of the ten provinces and controlling 37 of 308 Parliament seats, with influence far beyond what is suggested by that number of seats.
--Unintentional but welcomed counterpoint to existing Democratic party in the US, which would be considered more and more as the "Old Democratic Party". How delightful, because new is usually better than old.
ezeflyer November 12th, 2009 3:28 pm
What are the similarities between the reactionary left and right? They're both loud, insulting, negative, fear-mongering, ungrateful, impatient, radical conservative critics that want Obama to fail at any cost so they can set up their own dictatorship in the clouds.
Like the author, I am enormously relieved to be rid of Repugs and refuse to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I want to throw out the con Dems, not run off to a third party to let the Repugs in the back door.
Third parties, which are not immune to being taken over by Stalinist left wing cons as bad as Bushite right wing cons, ought to be joining the Dems or Indys, forming coalitions and helping to run con Dems out of the Party. Nader could be very effective as a Dem or Indy Congressperson for a long time instead of running for President every four years.
Oh great, now the US has to be one of a very small number of countries that have only two viable parties because there might be another Stalin waiting in the wings from Peoria or someplace. LOL.
New Democratic Party-US is a great way to try to save the US from extreme right wing and right wing politics:
--No one issue tag like the Greens have.
--No poisoned word: "Socialist" in the name.
--No wishy washy. I as the voter don't really know where you are coming from "Independent" in the name.
--Immediate credibility and some level of real assistance from existence and viability of the New Democratic Party-Canada, now in control of two of the ten provinces and controlling 37 of 308 Parliament seats, with influence far beyond what is suggested by that number of seats.
--Unintentional but welcomed counterpoint to existing Democratic party in the US, which would be considered more and more as the "Old Democratic Party". How delightful, because new is usually better than old.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jesse Jackson Appeals to President Empty Suit
The following was in response to this article from Jesse Jackson...
Can Jesse Jackson or anyone else think that President Empty Suit will ever create a substantial number of jobs? Not if they still own at least half a brain.
Obama doesn't even control, despite large party margins in both chambers of the legislature, whether his unconstitutional yet so precious to his pathetic sense of grandeur Let’s Create a new Bubble Economy with Health Insurance Act gets through without the abortion issue rearing its ugly head. I mean, Jesus Christ, couldn’t Obama have at least prevented abortion from making an already pathetic debate even more inane?
Actually though, in the interest of total disclosure, anything that scuttles the Health Insurance Support Act has to be fine with me, so I’ll hold my nose and hope the abortion thing ends Obama’s Folly once and for all.
Barack Obama doesn't control or even influence squat. We've gone from Worst President in History to Most Meaningless and Ineffective President in History.
Get a clue, Jesse. You missed the boat when you decided to not help develop a non-right wing party. You are just as irrelevant as Obama now, and if the young black boys riot anytime in the next decade it will be partly because you failed to understand just how far to the right the Democrats were becoming over your lifetime.
Can Jesse Jackson or anyone else think that President Empty Suit will ever create a substantial number of jobs? Not if they still own at least half a brain.
Obama doesn't even control, despite large party margins in both chambers of the legislature, whether his unconstitutional yet so precious to his pathetic sense of grandeur Let’s Create a new Bubble Economy with Health Insurance Act gets through without the abortion issue rearing its ugly head. I mean, Jesus Christ, couldn’t Obama have at least prevented abortion from making an already pathetic debate even more inane?
Actually though, in the interest of total disclosure, anything that scuttles the Health Insurance Support Act has to be fine with me, so I’ll hold my nose and hope the abortion thing ends Obama’s Folly once and for all.
Barack Obama doesn't control or even influence squat. We've gone from Worst President in History to Most Meaningless and Ineffective President in History.
Get a clue, Jesse. You missed the boat when you decided to not help develop a non-right wing party. You are just as irrelevant as Obama now, and if the young black boys riot anytime in the next decade it will be partly because you failed to understand just how far to the right the Democrats were becoming over your lifetime.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Oh Hell no, Could it be that an "Empty Suit" has Followed the Worst Presidency in History?
I as a cynical type and someone who is predicting things all the time, can verify that Mr. Obama is "an even-more-ludicrous embarrassment than even the most cynical predicted."
Have you noticed that anti Bush articles have pretty much dried up on the progressive Internet? When an empty suit follows what many in Progressive Land consider to be the worst Presidency in history, who wants to or can profitably think or write all that much about either one of them? I mean, Bush has been covered already, and there isn't all that much to say about an empty suit, is there, laugh out loud?
Just wake us up when at least one of the two Corporate parties implodes or when there is a new, half viable non-right-wing party that isn't tagged as a one issue party and that does not have the poison word "socialist" in its name.
Or if China stops buying Treasury bonds, that would justify a wake up I guess.
Dem-dat-dare November 8th, 2009 5:12 pm
"had this bill failed, health care reform would have died with it."
This is a bill about mandatory private insurance, NOT about "health care reform". The Democrats will rue the day they celebrated this raft of crap as "historic".
One might wish Rep. Kucinich -- or SOMEbody! -- had seen fit to denounce the crass obscenity of throwing more of the poor into the rolling Death Panel of Medicaid.
Obama, with his drum-major -- or is it majorette? -- fantasy of leading with a "baton", is an even-more-ludicrous embarrassment than even the most cynical predicted. His prissy parade's about over, and the whole country's knee-deep in pony poop.
I as a cynical type and someone who is predicting things all the time, can verify that Mr. Obama is "an even-more-ludicrous embarrassment than even the most cynical predicted."
Have you noticed that anti Bush articles have pretty much dried up on the progressive Internet? When an empty suit follows what many in Progressive Land consider to be the worst Presidency in history, who wants to or can profitably think or write all that much about either one of them? I mean, Bush has been covered already, and there isn't all that much to say about an empty suit, is there, laugh out loud?
Just wake us up when at least one of the two Corporate parties implodes or when there is a new, half viable non-right-wing party that isn't tagged as a one issue party and that does not have the poison word "socialist" in its name.
Or if China stops buying Treasury bonds, that would justify a wake up I guess.
"Congress Shall Make no Law Where One's Income is Used Against Him or Her"
The following was in response to this article from Dennis Kucinich, called "Why I Voted No," which was his explanation as to why he was one of only two sometimes progressive Democratic Representatives who voted no for the house health legislation, known as House bill 3962, which will be reconciled with what the Senate passes in this continuing horror show.
Well if unconstitutional garbage like this is going to be the new standard, than a new constitutional amendment is needed: Congress shall make no law where one's income is used against him or her.
Because the way it is now, if your income is low but not near or below the poverty line (if specifically it is from about 133% to 500% of poverty especially, which is many millions of people and families) you are going to be taken to the barnyard for a good fleecing of what little you have by your government and by the insurance company fat cats. Whereas if your income is ultra low, below 133% of poverty, you are off the hook: no new requirements to buy something you can't afford, and no new taxes for you.
So between this new abomination and the fact that you can't get a decent job if you don't already have one anyway, have we gone around in one big circle in the last 30 years and will we now see the return of the non or slightly working, extremely low income, but Cadillac driving, mink coat wearing, welfare drawing, food stamp drawing, heating assistance drawing, rent assistance drawing, lots of leisure time enjoying, and now no health insurance mandate Queens that Reagan spoke about? Probably so, since avoiding the health insurance mandate will be more than enough incentive for their return, laugh out loud.
Silly Americans, health care economics is for the serious and the successful, not for you.
[That boy got really nasty at the end, laugh out loud.]
This guy was annoyed with your humble host...
Esquire??? Obama accomplishments????? LOL!
Seriously, all of those "accomplishments" cited by the authoritative(???) Esquire Magazine (lol at "Esquire" again) don't amount to a bag of chips. Roughly half of them have not even happened, although it was announced that they were to happen, lol again.
And, the point was, in Obama's post apocalyptic America, it will be indisputably better to be dirt poor income wise, assuming of course you have enough wealth or enough in kind benefits to cover basic necessities, which is indeed doable, (more easily doable in small towns than in big cities incidentally, so the neighborhood may actually be quite nice) than to be simultaneously a lower income wage slave working the hind end off, and at the same time a slave to the multimillionaire insurance executives.
How sweet (no, how disgusting, actually) the irony that a "black man" brought us slavery to the ultra wealthy insurance execs. The wonders never cease, lol.
Well if unconstitutional garbage like this is going to be the new standard, than a new constitutional amendment is needed: Congress shall make no law where one's income is used against him or her.
Because the way it is now, if your income is low but not near or below the poverty line (if specifically it is from about 133% to 500% of poverty especially, which is many millions of people and families) you are going to be taken to the barnyard for a good fleecing of what little you have by your government and by the insurance company fat cats. Whereas if your income is ultra low, below 133% of poverty, you are off the hook: no new requirements to buy something you can't afford, and no new taxes for you.
So between this new abomination and the fact that you can't get a decent job if you don't already have one anyway, have we gone around in one big circle in the last 30 years and will we now see the return of the non or slightly working, extremely low income, but Cadillac driving, mink coat wearing, welfare drawing, food stamp drawing, heating assistance drawing, rent assistance drawing, lots of leisure time enjoying, and now no health insurance mandate Queens that Reagan spoke about? Probably so, since avoiding the health insurance mandate will be more than enough incentive for their return, laugh out loud.
Silly Americans, health care economics is for the serious and the successful, not for you.
[That boy got really nasty at the end, laugh out loud.]
This guy was annoyed with your humble host...
Broadway Carl November 8th, 2009 3:12 pm
"...Cadillac driving, mink coat wearing, welfare drawing, food stamp drawing, heating assistance drawing, rent assistance drawing, lots of leisure time enjoying, and now no health insurance mandate Queens that Reagan spoke about"
Way to go on expanding the debate. Yes, I'm sure living on the dole in a crappy apartment in a dangerous neighborhood is the new American dream.
Esquire??? Obama accomplishments????? LOL!
Seriously, all of those "accomplishments" cited by the authoritative(???) Esquire Magazine (lol at "Esquire" again) don't amount to a bag of chips. Roughly half of them have not even happened, although it was announced that they were to happen, lol again.
And, the point was, in Obama's post apocalyptic America, it will be indisputably better to be dirt poor income wise, assuming of course you have enough wealth or enough in kind benefits to cover basic necessities, which is indeed doable, (more easily doable in small towns than in big cities incidentally, so the neighborhood may actually be quite nice) than to be simultaneously a lower income wage slave working the hind end off, and at the same time a slave to the multimillionaire insurance executives.
How sweet (no, how disgusting, actually) the irony that a "black man" brought us slavery to the ultra wealthy insurance execs. The wonders never cease, lol.
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1 barrel = 42 gallons
1 thousand barrels = 42 thousand gallons
1 million barrels = 42 million gallons
-70 thousand barrels a day = 2,940,000 gallons per day
-70 thousand barrels per day for 60 days April 21 through June 19 = 4,200,000 barrels = 176,400,000 gallons (176.4 million gallons)
-70 thousand barrels per day for 120 days April 21 through August 18 = 8,400,000 barrels = 352,800,000 gallons (352.8 million gallons)
At 70,000 barrels a day a billion gallons of oil would be reached on March 27, 2011.
1 barrel = 42 gallons
1 thousand barrels = 42 thousand gallons
1 million barrels = 42 million gallons
-70 thousand barrels a day = 2,940,000 gallons per day
-70 thousand barrels per day for 60 days April 21 through June 19 = 4,200,000 barrels = 176,400,000 gallons (176.4 million gallons)
-70 thousand barrels per day for 120 days April 21 through August 18 = 8,400,000 barrels = 352,800,000 gallons (352.8 million gallons)
At 70,000 barrels a day a billion gallons of oil would be reached on March 27, 2011.