terry a July 18th, 2009 8:46 pm
This SP state option is bad-odds dicey for the uninsured, at best.
More likely, it's just what the corporate doctor ordered.
In any case, it's certainly no cause for any USA progressive celebration -- the comparisons of Canada's gradual approach to a national SP system especially notwithstanding.
Canada's political culture is not usefully analogous to the USA's. It never has been. And for the foreseeable future, US progressives can only hope it never will be.
As I posted on a related CD article, only a few US state legislatures have the potential political will AND the adequate population/funding base to make a state SP system work as needed: namely, yielding universal affordable coverage for EVERYBODY, NOW: not in some Who Knows When or How fuzzy future.
Besides, as someone already pointed out: even where one or two US states have recently tried to enact such a SP system, e.g., California, corrupt governors veto it.
During his election campaign, Obama and his Party also wagged loudly that prompt/effective resolution of the health care affordability issue was crucial not just because of the pressing personal needs of 45 million uninsured citizens, but also because the US economy's short and long term viability required it.
Obama's campaign also wagged that this issue's sensible resolution was, additionally, a political crucible out of which Americans' belief that their government works for THEM, instead of for corporate lobbyists, needed to be and at least somewhat could be, thereby restored.
But it was all manipulative BS during the campaign; and it's even more cynically-manipulative BS now.
The shit of this issue has once again momentarily hit the fan, and it's clearly now being re-blown back, as usual, into the face of the reform-clamoring citizenry -- not to the offending corporations and their federal government lackeys .
It's no mystery why conservative power brokers and their duopoly myrmidons in congress allowed this state SP option proviso to pass congress.
Like Obama's election itself, the state SP system option is just another cynically crafted safety valve designed to delay and deflect any clearly defined showdown between the masses of America's abused and disaffected governed and their corporate hijacked government; a showdown that lying Obama, however, specificallypromised to lead in the name of the people.
The real mystery of late, is why so many USA progressives are suddenly willing to be fooled by this merely-latest Oligarchy-driven maneuver.
Because, once again, the issue of a USA national SP health care system is now and for the duration of America's distinctly non-Canadian future, effectively dead in the water.
Nice take and I cosign.
The reason I am all over this health care issue is because the reality behind all the blather and doomed to fail proposals is quite stark. The entire economy is doomed unless and until single payer is enacted. And unless you are for full scale single payer you are a fool and definitely not a progressive. But of course these days America and even supposedly progressive sites such as Huffington Post is still chock loaded with fools on the health care issue which, to me in a kind of juvenile way, is actually kind of amusing.
[The above is in response to this article.]