No offense, Jane Hamsher, and I love your site, but don't you and your most popular bloggers ever get tired of coming up with rosy scenarios, none of which ever play out? I mean, get real. And you have been doing this over and over and over again, as the proposals actually on the table have become more and more worse than doing nothing.
Again, no offense, but the scenario in this article seems totally ridiculous to me. It seems to me that the Democrats already fired every bit of deal making ammunition they have just to get the razor thin margins they needed to arrive at the present proposals. They can't do your scenario unless every single one of the legislators who swore they would draw the line somewhere decide to renege on whatever issue they said they would draw the line on: public option, abortion, excise tax, subsidies, what have you.
That despite Obama's chronic right wing proclivities, despite his base-abandoning approach, and despite his general political incompetence the health deform the right wing Democrats really want has gotten as close as it has to passing is a small miracle for them.
It will also be a small miracle for the Democrats if their health insurance deform is lost due to the Republicans' capture of the Kennedy seat, because starting over with a ground up, piece by piece approach is now the only thing the Democrats can do to cut their November losses, which at the moment look to be massive.
This whole episode proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Democrats need to be replaced by a new party. Now I'm off to watch the Massachusetts returns live, with the side benefit that I can get my mind off Haiti for a while. The main benefit is that I get to see my warnings about Obama being way too far to the right that started many months ago validated.
aremagen January 19th, 2010 10:40 pmUNITY PROGRESS
I notice the same "apologist" attitude at FDL. I just left their site and "Scarecrow" earlier this afternoon said it was a "no-brainer" voting for Coakley. Really?
It would be better to vote for someone who will vote for a deformed bill which many on FDL have consistently agreed is a bad bill?
It would be better to stay the course on issues that so many many Democrats and Independents reject?
The "no-brainer" was that this turned out to be an excellent opportunity for Democrats and Independents to do what has been needed for a long time. To fire a shot not across the bow but into the bow.
I eagerly await Captain Obama's much anticipated assessment of damage to his bi-partisan ship.
Among dozens of things he should do, firing Rahm Emanuel and any similar advisors would be a wonderful start for President Obama. Emanuel has been proven to be completely and totally wrong about present day politics.
aremagen January 19th, 2010 11:39 pmThe above was in response to this article.
Unfortunately, Emanuel does the work of Obama's contributors while "the great impostor" himself remains under a cloak created by the same Madison Ave. that sells us deodorants that makes us smell nice if we vote for their candidate.
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