Trylon February 1st, 2010 8:49 am
Well, in the POV of a dual citizen the State of the Union is not Comatose, it is Deceased. The United States has ceased to be governable under the form of government it created in the Constitution. This form envisioned a "loyal opposition", not over-my-dead-body, better-dead-than-liberal/conservative, lock and load obstructionism. That experiment has failed. It is a "late parrot", as John Cleese would say.
We are in a political prison because of imprinting upon a two party system, an imprinting that has no more validity than the stupid refusal of Americans to use two dollar bills. Dual citizenship has exposed me, for 30 years, to the system of parliamentary democracy. It works. Citizens vote for the party that best expresses their view of the correct relationship between the individual and the state. Having done so, they entrust that party to choose their leader. What could save this country is the intelligence to abandon the Presidency. Wake up. State of the Union events show that our Presidents are really evaluated as good or bad kings. We get really ticked off by lousy kingliness.
If the American people get paddles on the government chest fast enough there could be a chance. The shock that is needed is the total dissolution of both the Democratic and Republican political parties, and their replacement with the full range of political viewpoints. If we don't have the sense to do this, we will turn into lurching Zombies. Not a few citizens of other countries feel that's what we already are.
Exactly true, the best countries in the world have moved beyond domination by kings and presidents and by those few that fund them and militarily support them. Obama apparently knows all too well that it is his funders and not his voters that support him the most.
Those who have not moved on from presidents and kings are mostly your third world countries and countries that are borderline third world. How ironic, for example, that the results of the American Revolution have been more or less turned upside down. Another big irony is the big role that the Americans had in setting up the Japanese and German governments after World War 2. These governments have over the years proven to be much superior to the American one in the age of huge piles of money and globalism.
The above was in response to this article at Common Dreams.
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