guerrillaG February 3rd, 2010 4:26 pm
"... Obama himself is not a rightwing politician." (Yes, I see how many people already quoted this, and that is quite encouraging to see actually.)
" ... Obama himself is not a rightwing politician."
Realize this - There is NO difference in American politics, not for the people in charge anyway. Sure, maybe the people on the ground get fooled by this party bickering stuff, but those in charge, the President, the Federal Reserve, they do not play party politics, that is all for show, to confuse and divide the people on the ground.
I am not saying, like say Common Dreams socialists or like Bill O'Reilly fans that there is no difference between Left and Right. Sure there are, even in politics to some degree, BUT regardless of the slight differences the main goal from BOTH parties the Democrats and the Republicans, Socialists or Fascists, is CONTROL. They BOTH want to tell you how to run your life, what insurance to buy, what to think etc. etc. etc.; they BOTH want to control things. They just might have slightly differing ways of getting that control.
Saying that Obama himself is not a rightwing politician is a naive way of looking at American politics. It is believing the smoke and mirrors game, that because you get to cast a vote, that you are actually making a decision.
I am sure that everyone here that voted for OBOMBer (not me) thought they were voting for a guy of PEACE (real Peace, not some obviously meaningless prize) and they thought they were voting for CHANGE for the Better and not just a change of the face of the power of the status quo. But unless you are totally blind you have awoken to the fact that you were Bamboozled, and I hope you understand that this whole system is a Bamboozle. I don't care if you are a Dem or a Repub, both the parties are corrupt.
This is why the Real, the honest people of these parties, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, they get no love from the system: because the game is fixed! Its actually broken, but thats why or how it is so easily fixed.
I give a hell of a lot more credit to the comment posters here on Common Dreams than I do to the writers of the articles. At least it seems the comment posters are mostly awake to the fact that OBOMBER is a stinking LIAR, but most if not all the writers of the articles seem to be apologists, naive or maybe they are controlled by the parties and are here to keep the divide alive, to keep the wedge between the so-called left and right, to blame everything on the Republicans and not look at the real problems, the System itself, the Federal Reserve, the printing of DEBT money out of nothing, the perpetual ENDLESS WARS, the Military Industrial Complex, the Government subsidies of the Too BIG To Fail system, the strangle hold of the poor via the supposedly to help the people entitlement programs, the corporate welfare programs in the names of Bailouts and Stimulus packages, and the list goes on and on.
The system is rigged from the inside. The left/right paradigm is used to divide people like classism and racism and all the others.
Until this is understood and corrected, the problems will only continue.
The reason that the left-right paradigm is largely meaningless in the US as you say is that the US system has collapsed to the point where that paradigm is beside the point. It's all about survival now, particularly of course for elites. Nuanced and sophisticated left-right discussions are not relevant in a society as damaged as the US one is.
If you want to get perfectionist and technical, you can argue that the left-right paradigm is not yet completely irrelevant in the US and that the economic and political systems are not yet completely collapsed, but all of those things are heavily damaged and hanging by a thread.
In Germany between the two major World Wars, Hitler and the Fascists came to power precisely because that society was damaged to the point where the left-right paradigm became irrelevant. When the left-right paradigm goes away, dictatorship can and very often does follow.
Today though, in many, many other countries, including almost all of the well off ones, the left-right paradigm is still very much alive and well. Needless to say, all truly well off countries feature parties of the left who actually win at least some national-level elections. Also, it should be noted that whether a left-right paradigm exists or not in a nation's political system is one of many tests to determine whether that country is effectively a third world country or not.
For the record, as the US fell apart since 1980, the Republican party moved from right to far right and the Democratic party moved from center or more precisely center right to plain old right. Now they are stuck where they are because the system has collapsed to the point where the elites can't make any big changes or they will be thrown into unemployment and as we all know, unemployment can be basically permanent now and the elites definitely don't want to be permanently unemployed.
In other words, you need a decently functioning economy, a decently functioning political system, and overall a decently functioning society to have a left right paradigm operating. The US has collapsed to the point where you can say it does not have those prerequisites. The US is mostly about looting nowadays, which in non-collapsed countries both the right and the left will oppose and, more importantly, will prevent.
The above was in response to this article at Common Dreams.
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