The trouble with the whole goddamn thing is that no-one, including Obama, has the SPINE to cut the bull and call a spade a shovel. It is truly an outrage that there's this much 'debate', not to mention the howling, slavering, mouth-foaming hatred and sheer imbecilic garbage screamed by those goddamn philistines at the town hall meetings, going on about a FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT. HEALTH CARE IS NOT A COMMODITY; IT IS AN INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHT.
To continue to screw around with 'political expediency’ is to accelerate the process of the destruction of the country.
America is the laughing stock of the world on this issue, and not least because of its being tangled up with the very thing not even mentioned in a single one of the comments on this article: WAR. The U.S. is a war-MONGERING rogue state, its very SURVIVAL through this century and into the next hinges upon making the collective welfare of its people less important than money or war. For reasons so deeply mired in the screwed up mythology, the people of the U.S., by and large, have no problem whatsoever with illegal wars, perpetual war, war-profiteering, and a culture of violence, but have a very big problem with the idea of taking care of each other for the collective good.
Obama is more interested in how shiny he looks and going down in history ONLY as the first black president, than he is being the head cheerleader in dragging his country out of the astronomical and possibly unsurvivable situation it is in. He's rapidly turning out to be unfit to utter the name of Martin Luther King. I don't suppose that too many people have confronted the likelihood that MLK KNEW he'd almost definitely be killed for saying the stuff he did. Sweet Jesus Christ, King SPAT (in a dignified fashion) RIGHT IN THE FACES OF THE GREEDY RACIST MURDERERS RUNNING THE COUNTRY AND SUPPORTING THOSE WHO WERE RUNNING THE COUNTRY.
Barack Obama, if he were to be worth the stuff that came out of his mouth in the campaign and in the inaugural, especially in what ways it related to the ideals of MLK, would go in front of Congress and the country and ORDER that universal, yes, SOCIALIZED, healthcare was going to become the law of the fucking land, and if you don't like it, you CAN KISS MY BLACK ASS. And if you're thinking of arming yourself and a load of cronies and having a go at me as your elected president and commander-in-chief, come on, I'm waiting for you..
The smartest, most forward looking and compassionate people in this country and a whole bunch of others have determined that universal health care is long past due in America, and there's no point dawdling and pissing around with political niceties and expediencies and waiting until the climate is more favorable. GIVEN THE LEVEL OF JUVENILE, PUERILE, CRIMINAL AND UNCIVILIZED PEOPLE AND BEHAVIOUR ON DISPLAY OVER THE ISSUE OF HEALTHCARE, THE CLIMATE WILL NEVER BE MORE FAVOURABLE.
Right NOW would be a good time to straighten out this mess, because it'll straighten YOU out, sure as hell. AS LONG AS PROFITS TRUMP PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY, THIS COUNTRY IS GOING DOWN. PERIOD, WAKE THE HELL UP.
Americans are proud that they kicked out the British? Think they're so big, strong, manly, and all the rest of that? Where the hell were you when the Bush cabal staged a coup d’état? Why didn't you burn some stuff down then? When that asshole took America into an invasion of Iraq and killed thousands of your precious children, where the hell were you?
It is time to stop screwing around and FORCE Obama to do the right thing, and forget about 'voting' and 'elections'. I cannot believe that after eight years of the illegal 'presidency' of Bush, and the fact that there's no way in hell Obama would have gotten in without close to a billion dollars and sleeping with the enemy, that you people still even talk about 'voting'. Until there's a campaign spending cap of about two thousand bucks, and all media must serve all candidates free, there is no democracy, there is no voting. IT IS A SCAM. WAKE UP.
Until Obama starts passing executive orders or something and drives the insurance gang the hell out of town, he is not for real, he's working for them. He's not MLK, Roosevelt, or any kind of savior. He's just another puppet. The people will have to rise the hell up.
And I will be very surprised if there isn't a civil war in America REAL soon, between the wars, the insolvency, the constant corporate cronyism and that filthy gang of right wing 'Christian' fundamentalist scum screeching their Gospel of Affluence and Aggression.
Health care MUST be socialized - down-size that goddamn military to do it. STAND UP AND LET OBAMA KNOW IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT YOU'RE DONE WITH HIS LYING, AND HE NEEDS TO ACT OR STEP ASIDE.
Editorial Note: Below you will see my very brief response, on the overnight after Obama failed to fully support the public option, to three separate comments that were made in response to this article (and to the speech).
The three Common Dreams commenters I mention are Diane, Tranmaker, and Barry Greene. Diane was a right wing troll if there ever was one. Tranmaker was an Obamabot (an "Obamabot" is someone who blindly supports Obama regardless of how little Obama accomplishes) who tried to argue that Obama's health care reform would be so much more wonderful than nothing, given how her mother's combination of Meicare and an insurance policy supplementary to Medicare was so wonderful to her mother. Right, I'm supposed to believe that the health reform is a good one because of his mother. Laugh out loud. Finally Barry Greene's post was vulgar to the max, yet was completely on the mark. The writings of the other two were drivel, but the writings of Greene, at least after I cleanded out the profanity, were most definitely worty of being posted as a guest comment here.
What shall I go for, the polished drivel of the right wing troll Diane, or the vulgar but mostly accurate pronouncements of Barry Greene? The vulgar one, of course! This is a reminder to not let style get in the way of substance.
And Tranmaker, just because your mother in Michigan got a good deal on her supplementary policy doesn't mean that the US is improving its health system by taxing the hell out of low income people. Your commentary is just about drivel as well.
Definition of drivel at
1. saliva flowing from the mouth, or mucus from the nose; slaver.
2. childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.
Laugh out loud.
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