From RV
Considering the purported aversion of some Americans to "socializing" health care or anything else, I can't help wondering if they've noticed that the proposal to require and enforce compulsory insurance IS a socialist proposal of truly magnificent proportions?!
Its only substantive difference from an actual "socialized" health care solution would be that the revenues collected, whether from fees, fines, or taxes, are to be channeled through the private insurance industry's profit skimming process rather than being paid directly to the providers of the requisite health care services.
That is certainly uniquely American. Only in America would huge profits for value-negative intermediary corporate processes be considered as making any sense whatever. Elsewhere even most theoreticians dedicated to alleged capitalist benefits would have a hard time with that notion.
U.S. distinctions between glorious capitalism and hated socialism truly are remarkable and quite confusing for poor ignorant foreigners.
Yes, you have got it. It's a perversion of socialism or, in other words, it is garbage, bogus, and criminal socialism to require anyone to buy a private product in a doomed to failure effort to provide what is supposed to be a public good. I guess it's also a form of mockery of socialism.
[The above was in response to this article.]
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