Note that most of the title of this posting is thanks to Briggs Seekins, not to the author of Unity Progress. I could not resist installing the phrase "naive, ivory tower partisan hacks" in the title. For one thing, this insures I will enjoy rereading this years from now. Hoover 2.0 is mine.
Guest Comment:
Briggs Seekins May 29th, 2010 9:37 amUnity Progress Response:
"Crises are opportunities. He has consistently missed them. Today was a grand opportunity to pull together the threads - BP and the spill, Massey and the mine disaster, Wall Street and the economic disaster, Anthem BlueCross and health care,"
Lakoff's POLTICAL MIND was one of the most useful books I read last year. Theoretically, he is brilliant. Too bad that in the real world, he is merely a naive, ivory tower partisan hack.
His idea of the moral narrative is an important concept for the radical left to grasp. The thing is, we already do grasp it. We have been framing the moral narrative for years--those of us who are old enough were doing it back during the Clinton years and beyond. It is easy for US to make that narrative--we are the ones that the corporate privateers, the banksters, the energy company thugs, are viciously exploiting and threatening EVERY DAY. We understand the morality because we live with its twisted consequences.
Obama lives with the privileges of that twisted morality. He got elected with there money. He works for them. He isn't going to start presenting a moral narrative that indicts his own bosses.
Lakoff is clearly hopelessly naive--he just doesn't get it. The Federal Government is owned by the corporate overlords. Nobody gets to an important position without their consent.
Many of us were naive enough early on to think possibly Obama could be different--that we could push him and force him to break ranks. But it was very obvious from the earliest appointments he made that it was not going to happen. He is merely Clinton 2.0. The real moral narrative needs to drum home to Americans just how thoroughly Obama and the democrat party stand on the side of our exploiters.
Briggs Seekins
"Theoretically, he is brilliant. Too bad that in the real world, he is merely a naive, ivory tower partisan hack."
Laugh out loud, and I am afraid you can say this about the vast majority of popular political and economics writers who might and sometimes do make the New York Times bestseller list. Naive, ivory tower partisan hacks are popular it seems.
"He is merely Clinton 2.0."
Or "Hoover 2.0: Hoover on Steroids: ..." because Obama skipped Hoover's "the end of the depression is just around the corner" riff and with no justification went straight to "the depression is over" riff.
Unfortunately for Obama and everyone else who thinks the depression (or if you insist the great recession) is over, there are always ebbs and flows within depressions, and a depression is not over until the flowing vastly exceeds the ebbing.
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