Buck March 15th, 2010 10:17 am
Borrowing money to get an education is useless in today's world. You are going to wind up working at the gas station anyway, providing you don't join the army.
How true. Unless you have a rich friend or a relative who you know for an absolute fact will be able and willing to directly help you get a good job after graduation, don't borrow for education. If you borrow and can't get a good job, you will be joining tens of millions who have made that mistake and are in that situation. In other words, the far right wing US economy is simply not worth investing in via large student loans (more than $10,000).
Student loans can virtually never be discharged. US residents are now going to be more and more going to their graves having worked their heads off during their lives (in many cases having worked harder than Europeans and Asians with very small or zero education debts) and yet they still owe penalties and interest on student loans made four, five, and six decades ago!
You can get all the education you need on the Internet for the cost of your computer and your internet connection.
The above was in response to this article.
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