Pitch Fork January 24th, 2010 1:02 pm
This is one of the most pathetic pieces I've read in a very long time. It is a good example of the Obama co-dependent mindset that will have his party get a bigger shovel instead of a course correction.
On Wednesday morning, for the first time, I saw Obama on teevee and thought, "Hmmm, maybe there's some potential in this president after all." Why? Because he made a short statement about collecting $5bn in taxes owed by corporations who also do business with the government. It was a concrete, achievable step.
Next day, the president is out talking about reinstalling a firewall between banking and investing. It sounded good. Everywhere I went on the internets people were saying, "It sounds good. Now let's see if he delivers."
The president has a credibility chasm. If he set goals for progress that would help the American people, AND THEN FOLLOWED THROUGH, he could rebuild his credibility and salvage his presidency. But, alas, no. Next day I hear that Obama is back on the campaign trail and bringing back Pouffle, Piffle, whatever his Rove's name is, which is the last thing this president needs and the last thing this country needs.
I too see this article as riddled with errors and misconceptions. I was actually fascinated as to how bad it is, at least in my opinion. I see that other comments are ripping into this article; it's always good to see CD comment writers right on the ball.
I nominate this article for Worst CD Article of the Year 2010. But I don't have time to specifically lodge my many disagreements with the article; I am just making a quick response to another comment....
The Obama modus operandi is that all actual budgets, laws and regulations will range from right to hard right, but occasionally, when for example his ratings are tanking even worse than usual, there will be some populist talk and a few populist proposals. But notice that very, very little of what Obama proposes during his populist talk fests ever actually becomes law.
What does become law is going to be very, very small scale. You sitting there will most likely not benefit from anything that actually is made law coming from an Obama populist talk fest.
The above was in response to this article.
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