Dem-dat-dare November 8th, 2009 5:12 pm
"had this bill failed, health care reform would have died with it."
This is a bill about mandatory private insurance, NOT about "health care reform". The Democrats will rue the day they celebrated this raft of crap as "historic".
One might wish Rep. Kucinich -- or SOMEbody! -- had seen fit to denounce the crass obscenity of throwing more of the poor into the rolling Death Panel of Medicaid.
Obama, with his drum-major -- or is it majorette? -- fantasy of leading with a "baton", is an even-more-ludicrous embarrassment than even the most cynical predicted. His prissy parade's about over, and the whole country's knee-deep in pony poop.
I as a cynical type and someone who is predicting things all the time, can verify that Mr. Obama is "an even-more-ludicrous embarrassment than even the most cynical predicted."
Have you noticed that anti Bush articles have pretty much dried up on the progressive Internet? When an empty suit follows what many in Progressive Land consider to be the worst Presidency in history, who wants to or can profitably think or write all that much about either one of them? I mean, Bush has been covered already, and there isn't all that much to say about an empty suit, is there, laugh out loud?
Just wake us up when at least one of the two Corporate parties implodes or when there is a new, half viable non-right-wing party that isn't tagged as a one issue party and that does not have the poison word "socialist" in its name.
Or if China stops buying Treasury bonds, that would justify a wake up I guess.
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