RichM December 19th, 2009 3:09 pm
It's a measure of just how far we've sunk, that the best outcome one can now hope for in the health care debacle is that Mitch McConnell -- long one of the most thoroughly loathesome figures in the Senate -- should prevail.
Rather than wishing for a White Christmas, I'm just wishing that the Republicans will be able to destroy this monstrosity, even if they do it for all the wrong reasons. Then Obama will be widely perceived as the pathetic failure that he is, the insurance companies won't get their millions of "mandated" new customers, & the Democrats will go onto the slag heap of history, where they so richly belong.
Go, Mitch!!
Mega Dittos, Rush, and go Mitch!
Now excuse me while I heave up my lunch, laugh out loud.
No seriously, did you know that if this bill fails, Lord Obama would have no alternative but to settle for passing the obviously good things like no pre-existing conditions and no lifetime caps? (Well, he could resign instead.) But most likely, if the bill fails, you would get much of the good without most of the bad, because the Democrats would still have to pass something.
The above was in response to this article at Common Dreams.
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