Dem-dat-dare November 5th, 2009 2:34 pm
Solomon (finally) writes:
"We're hearing that large numbers of lower-income Americans will be provided with Medicaid coverage in the next decade. Translation: If funding holds up, they'll get to hang onto a bottom rung of the healthcare ladder. Many will not be able to get the medical help they need, from primary care providers or specialists."
One of the fouler unexamined pigs in this poke IS Medicaid -- no second opinions, non-profit pill-mill "community clinics", Estate Benefits Recovery Act provisions for those 55-65. Medicaid is a rolling Death Panel, treating serious sicknesses with ... ta-DAH ... psycho-meds and pain pills, the more expensive and unavailing, the better.
Medicaid is the semi-final solution for the poor and near-poor. Once IN the Medicaid system, recipients are barred even from seeking out real medical care for cash.
No bill that involves mandating people into Medicaid is "reform". Why neither the politicians nor the press will delve into the horrors of the Medicaid system is an interesting question -- guess it's the meal ticket for too many defrocked docs and non-profit hustlers . . . and of course it DOES dispense oodles of pharmaceuticals.
In a separate post, Dem-dat-Dare was even more critical of Medicaid:
Dem-dat-dare November 5th, 2009 3:59 pm
I believe there's a misconception, among politicians and liberals, that Medicaid is sort of like Single Payer for poor people -- NOTHING could be further from the truth.
Because next-to-no regular doctors, let alone specialists, will treat Medicaid patients -- too many restrictions on treatment, too little compensation -- those subject to Medicaid are treated mostly in "community clinics" whose reason for being is exactly to churn the accounts of Medicaid recipients, a captive population of funding units.
For those between 55 and 65, Medicaid costs can be collected from the Medicaid recipient's survivors, when s/he dies prematurely from its truly-crappy "care". During a Medicaid recipients lifetime, s/he can neither find out what charges are being saved up for his/her survivors, nor -- should the Medicaid recipient win the lottery or whatever -- pay off during his/her lifetime.
Medicaid is an abominable sub-medical fraud which is extremely lucrative for medical non-profits (including clinics and hospitals) and pharmaceutical companies. If politicians (and those who fund them) are unaware of the problems with Medicaid, they're asleep at the wheel. If they DO know what Medicaid is, they're complicit in what amounts to uh bureaucratic mass murder.
The POINT is that poor people are dying unnecessarily of heart disease, cancer, and other serious conditions while being dosed with drugs to keep them quiet.
Medicaid may be garbage sometimes, for some folks, but smart Americans need to learn that over medication, like lack of income and jobs, is often part of living in the failed American system of today. Learn to say no to drugs including prescribed drugs except in "confirmed circustances" Specifically, you should be very wary of drugs except when you have verified that they are clearly needed to save your life or if they offer a near certain cure of your disease.
If on the other hand you suspect the drugs are being substituted for better treatments that are being denied to you by Medicaid, take few or none of those drugs and instead demand the better treatment being denied to you. Find out on the internet what the best treatments are for whatever you have, and demand one of those treatments; offer to wait for them a reasonable period of time if you have to.
Medicaid may prescribe medications that ultimately do more harm than good, but it can't force you to take them.
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