OleManRiver August 24th, 2009 12:01 am
The more I think about and read about all this health insurance stuff going on in Washington, the more I think it is a distraction and a diversion of our attention from the more immediate rape and pillage going on.
A few years ago, seemingly anticipating the collapse of the Housing Bubble, our esteemed Congress, including then Sen. Joe Biden, rewrote the bankruptcy laws, making it easier for the wealthy to collect from the devastated, including those devastated by health-care costs.
Then, recognizing that interest and other charges on credit cards had become utterly usurious due to deregulation of the banking sector, our esteemed Congress imposed some limits, but with the caveat that the law would not go into effect until 2010 or later, leaving the banksters able to jack up rates and penalties in the interval.
Now, we learn that whatever is being carved out regarding health insurance (care) reform will not go into effect until 2013---after the next Presidential election. Howard Dean was interviewed over the weekend and said he thought this was a Big Mistake---that if people had nothing to show from the "reform," it would hurt the Democrats in 2012.
If what is contemplated were real reform, Dr. Dean might be correct. OTOH, if this "reform" is based on the Mitt Romney/Massachusetts model, which is a disaster, it were better that people not discover how they will be harmed before 2012.
Meanwhile, we are still occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and killing innocents, trillions of our future dollars are still flooding the banking and insurance and real estate markets to prevent an immediate collapse of the economy with almost ZERO help to those facing foreclosure, unemployment is still creeping up despite the false statistics, and there is NO END IN SIGHT to these depredations.
Cash for Clunkers? Really, a metaphor. No wonder it is being shut down. It worked.
Any real "reform" of the health-care system in this country is impossible in the existing political context. Meanwhile, your attention has been diverted away from the criminal conduct of your government on a daily basis, right now.
Personal solution. Eat healthy if you can afford it, exercise, and Don't Get Sick.
"Jack Nicholson: "You want Health Care? I'll give you Health Care. You can't stand REAL Health Care.""
Suckered again.
Your body is the Holy Vessel for Your Mind. Be one unto yourself and respect the Many. They may not know what they are doing.
Come to think on it, here's a thought: Anyone left of Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa ought to just step back and say, Okay, Senator, YOU write the health (insurance) reform bill, and give us three more years to decide whether we agree with it. See ya.
I could come at this from an entirely different angle, while the fact remains that, statistically, most of us do not need "health care," thank you, until we start to grow really old, with a few exceptions like the usual childhood diseases that prime our immune system. I have read that end-of-life Care uses the great bulk of Medicare funding. (Big Pharma, meanwhile, would appreciate it if you become diabetic...!)
Maybe it really is time to reconsider the nature of End-of-Life Care in this country, and to do a comparative study at this level with other Western and Eastern commodified economies. "Death Panels"? They exist now, via all health-care systems. Suck it up, Folks, you're gonna die! Do you wanna spend your last 6 months plugged into DRIPS or will you choose to walk into the Wilderness and collapse back into the Earth who provided your sustenance?
The choice is yours.
Thanks for the reminder of the peculiar and revealing proposed implementation delay until 2013.
It seems that the insurance executives who indirectly wrote the proposed laws agreed with (I'm thinking Rahm Emanuel's) proposal that this Mitt Romney thing not go into effect until 2013. Emanuel (or someone similar) is apparently concerned about the amount of confusion, misery and anger that will come forth from numerous segments of the population when the rubber hits the road for this dead on arrival legislation.
From Emanuel's and Obama's perspective, it's best to make sure that the outcries of anguish and anger don't happen until after the 2012 election. Because ironically, Emanuel and Obama don't want Romney to win in 2012, even though they are putting his health care system into effect, laugh out loud.
[The above conversation is in response to this article.]
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