Someone needs to put up an internet site with a data bank that has the top pay package for every company that the data is available for. If someone here knows of one, could they please enlighten us?
Thom Hartmann (the radio talk show guy) made my day today with his theory as to why executives in general, and health insurance executives in particular, make tens or hundreds of millions of dollars a year instead of a measly couple of million. His theory is that since people actually, really are dying due to lack of health care in the US, it takes a psychopath to be the head of a huge health insurance corporation that sends people to premature death. The health insurance companies indirectly send people to early deaths due to their sky high prices, and they sometimes directly send someone to an early death by denying care authorization.
As Hartmann explains, only psycopaths can oversee a multi-billion dollar murderous enterprise.
Having established the premise, Hartmann then uses basic economic theory to explain that since psychopaths of the needed calibur are relatively rare, particularly ones that can function in executive settings and appear to be sane, you have to pay the very few that qualify to run a health insurance company massive sums of money.
At first I thought Hartmann’s theory was part hyperbole, but then I realized Hartmann was not in the least bit joking. Upon reflection I think it is a very strong theory indeed.
So there is a substantial chance that the head honcho of your health insurance company is actually a deranged lunatic.
ThomasJefferson... August 14th, 2009 7:58 pm
Great post tremaine,
I submit that these murderous CEO's are not all born this way, they were made in a Frankenstien laboratory called Harvard and Yale Schools of Predatory Business where they learned the fine art of "Skull and Bones" Skullduggery (the brotherhood of death).
These are the real terrorist organizations we should destroy, not a bunch of harmless villagers on burros in Asia.
[The above conversation is in response to this article.]
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