terry a July 21st, 2009 8:45 pm
Why have the people of the US lost control of their government so badly --almost totally... Especially in comparison to most W. European nations that until not so long ago had been for centuries official monarchies or worse - but which are now fairly egalitarian social democracies?
You can pretty well identify HOW the USA's logic of power increasingly degraded; from communities of reasonably accountable flesh and blood people to increasingly abstract, unaccountable, and powerful fictional individuals known as corporations...
But understanding the Why of it isn't so clear.
Why did the USA's people not see the fatal fraud -- the danger of corporate personhood -- as it began to play itself out with ever more dire consequences over the past 120 years?
Why were the reconstituted capitalist societies of post WWII W. Europe able to avoid the worst of modern corporate capitalism? At least in terms of a more humane per capita distribution of national wealth?
Was it because of some deeper Knowing about Life in those far older and far more suffered cultures? Seemingly so; but even this factor can't account for much what we see in the case of the USA.
If you analyze the USA, and conclude that it's decline is due to too many people becoming too prosperous too quickly -- and therefore becoming all-too-self-absorbed and cognitively/politically lazy -- it still doesn't answer the question:
Why did our nature-given, creaturely common sense collapse so fast under achievement of a momentary freedom from mere existential, age-old, hard-wired-tolerated drudge?
Even if you say it was the rise of the USA's unique, legally liberated ultra-capitalist corporate mass news and entertainment media -- that scattered the fatal common epistemological poison -- fooling millions of otherwise normal human creatures into becoming ego addicted to existentially-softening delusions and distractions and hyper-atomized narcissistic self-images -- we still need to better comprehend Why.
WHY would the normal, ultimately self-balancing human instinct in virtually all human creatures, in Americans atypically become so easily and quickly overthrown, as opposed to, let's say, an also relatively new capitalist, immediately adjacent, race-stock-similar nation, like Canada?
It's not enough to say that we USAans have come to our now, almost irretreivably fallen state efficiently because of the erroneous ideas we've chosen to believe-in.
If we chose to so-believe: why did We where Others didn't?
I've been wondering about this myself for many years. All I can do is make a few educated guesses.
Aside from greed on a scale never seen before (even in Britain) there may be some supernatural factors involved. I have the sneaking suspicion that there is some big time nasty karma that has literally infected the US, like the plague did Europe a few centuries ago. In fact, maybe we are all just bit characters in "Europe's Revenge," which is now playing at the Milky Way Theater.
Or it could be just my imagination getting away from me.
[The above exchange was in response to this article.]
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